LearnWorlds Review & Demo – Online Course Hosting

Do you have an idea that you want to share with the world? If yes, then LearnWorlds is the best platform for you. LearnWorlds allows you to create an online course that helps you share your ideas with the world, while at the same time generating profit from it. If you want to know more, this LearnWorlds review will guide you.

Rated 4.0 out of 5.0

What is LearnWorlds?

LearnWorlds is an online course hosting platform that allows you to create online courses, host them to your website, and market them to generate profit or income. LearnWorlds can help you sell and promote your ideas through their interactive platform.

In addition, LearnWorlds also help you craft your skills and experience to help other people who want to learn the same knowledge as you. This software boosts the usage rate of your course, engages your audience, and builds effective marketing funnels.

Aside from the user-friendly interface of LearnWorlds, this software also lets you connect with other marketing and affiliate tools. These tools include Zapier, Zoom, Webex, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Google Analytics, and many more.

LearnWorlds Review Hero

LearnWorlds Features

LearnWorlds has a lot of features and capabilities that it may take forever to tackle them one-by-one. However, that goes to show how inclusive LearnWorlds is and how they can cater to anything that you might need. Without further ado, here are some of the best features that LearnWorlds can offer.

Interactive Course Builder

LearnWorlds interactive course builder is the bread and butter of LearnWorlds. This online course hosting platform turns your ideas into your greatest investment. The courses built by LearnWorlds captures attention, increase audience engagement, and promote efficiency in learning.

In addition to the modern approach of LearnWorlds, you also have the option to add transcripts, hotspots, questions, titles, and images. With a single click of a button, you can add supplementary information to reinforce learning.

On top of those mentioned above, LearnWorlds also offers a beautiful and interactive course player for your audience or students. With this, you have the power to select whether your students can navigate your course freely, sequentially, or with some restrictions.

LearnWorlds Review Course Editor

Marketing and Selling Tools

LearnWorlds will not only create an online course for you, but it’ll also assist you in marketing and selling your course. LearnWorlds has all the e-commerce and marketing tools to build your audience and increase your revenue.

For instance, Coupons and Promotions can help you upsell and cross-sell your course with offers and promotions. LearnWorlds also allows you to build marketing funnels, high-converting web pages, and customizable checkout interfaces.

This online course software also allows you to sell memberships and subscriptions, acquire full white labels for your course, and integrate third-party software like Zapier and Zoom.

LearnWorlds Review Marketing Tool

Reports and Insights

Lastly, LearnWorlds can help you analyze insights and reports for a data-driven decision-making process. Within LearnWorlds, you have the Report Center where you can access advanced data like student progress as well as which courses are successful, and which are not.

In addition, you can also do things in the Report Center that allow you to determine what course of action you need to take. For example, you can check how much time your audience needs to finish your course. You can also identify patterns of content consumptions, optimize your content, and show these reports to your audience or stakeholders.

LearnWorlds Pricing

LearnWorlds has four pricing plans, but you can sign-up for a 30-day free trial first to see if this software suits your style. If you find yourself satisfied with LearnWorlds, you can have the Starter, Pro Trainer, Learning Center, and High-Volume Plans.

The Starter pack suits those newbie creators and it’s worth $24/month. This plan includes almost all the features of LearnWorlds for creating an online course. It caters to only one admin, has unlimited paid courses, coupons, basic integrations, and many more. However, there’s a $5-fee for every course sale that you can generate.

The Pro-Trainer Pack suits those professional trainers who established a wide audience. It costs $79/month, and it has all the features of the Starter Pack. However, this plan has no transaction fees and can cater to up to 5 admins or instructors. It also includes custom certificates, live classes via zoom, as well as advanced Zapier and premium integrations.

One the other hand, the Learning Center Pack is best for those with a wider audience than the Pro Trainers. It costs $249/month. This plan includes all the features of Starter and Pro Trainer while catering to up to 20 instructors. It has no transaction fees, and this plan provides you with the course insight reports.

If you have a large business that needs unlimited instructors or admins, you can contact LearnWorlds customer service for the pricing. The price depends mostly on the number of courses that you need to make, the number of instructors, and the audience that you have.

LearnWorlds Review Pricing

LearnWorlds Final Verdict

Overall, LearnWorlds is a great online course hosting platform that lets you create online courses easily and quickly. This software has a lot of features that you can take advantage of such as the Report Center and the marketing funnels for your course. In general, LearnWorlds has all the best tools for you, and it brings online courses to a level you never dreamt of.

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LearnWorlds Review

Rated 4.0 out of 5.0

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